today.... it's proven.... im not preggy... of course... very dissapointed.. frustrated... sad...
i have been waiting and sooo ready to be new mama... unfortunately... its not my luck... Ya Allah, ini semua dugaan mu... when it comes to Allah... i have to accept, this is my destiny, my faith for not yet to have a baby.... i believe... i'm confident.. my turn to have a baby will come... will come...
trust ur faith honey... im so glad and happy enough, i have a husband who is very supportive... very understanding... very caring.... thanks to Allah... thanks a lot to Him... syukur syukran...
im lucky enought if we compare to other people who live more suffer than us...
my life is almost complete.... im just now have to be a little bit pattient... little bit enduring... my time will come soon... when the times come... i will get a healthy cute baby... that will cheer up my family.... will brighten up my life... will ligthen up my life.... and at that time... thanks to Allah... thanks Allah....

"Ya Allah... kau kurniakan lah kami cahaya mata... kurniakan lah kami zuriat yang sihat dan cukup sifatnya dari Mu Ya Allah... sebagai pengikat kasih kami suami isteri... perkenankan lah permintaan hamba Mu ini Ya Allah.. sesungguhnya Engkau Maha Mendengar lg Maha Mengetahui segala galanya...
Amin YaRabbil Alamin..."
dear diane..hey dont be sad abt the baby issues..insyallah soon adalah 'rezeki' tu..keep on trying n doa ok...wish u all the keep in 4 ur hubby send my warmest regards n belated birthday wish..miss u a lot...
hye mr/mrs/miss anonymous..
it would be lovely if u could tell me who is exactly u are?
hrmmmm, mysterious....
ops!!sowi 4got to tell u that it was me kc commented abt ur baby wishes tu..hehheh
Diane..keep on trying ye dear...cubala amalkan minum madu or jamu ke bg badan tu panas2 skit..ok dear!!!!. just want to share with u, shahrini will getting marry also..coming soon
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