okay laaa... untuk konsert ke-2... below are my comments... ceki-daut!
1. ema- confident level memang power, feel pun ok, tapi suara bunyi mcm penyek-penyek semcm... kureng sedap..
2. daus- OMG! rupa2nya tone suara dia sedap laaaa... hahahaa.. good job, much better than last week
3. nad- suara tak sedaaaaap! feel adala sikit-sikit sampai ke-rasaan nya tuh... sayang jer, sebab lagu ni memang bonus untuk diorg tunjukkan kehebatan vokal memasing..
4. alif- sedey nyerr lagu ni... patutnya kalau nyanyi penuh feel, memang boleh nangis leleh air mata... suara alif mmg best and kene dengan this song..
5. farina- low notes problem,music and tempo lari ke laut... totally BAD... =(
6.iwan- my favourite!!! heheee.. handsome and cute as always... semuanya BEST! he sang well, he deliver it well.. hahaa.. 'bias' btol aku nie.. =) =) =)
7. anum- macam org menyanyi kat karaoke aje.. lagu yang salah, bukan penyanyi yg salah... lagu out dgn voice anum...
8. ain- somthing is wrong la... hrmm, mcm nyanyian dia tak fokus, music, tempo, suara semua lari.. tapi dress dia cute! i like... hehee..
9. shahir- boooringg..... tapi he quite good looking jgk kan.. hihii..
10. mau- the BESTof tonite... suara mmg sedap giler laahh..mcm pro jer...
11. adira- mmg power la dia nyanyi... but tone suara dia aku tak berapa suker sgt... huhuuu.. but she can sing so well....
Overall BEST performance as at Konsert 2 AF8 is MAULANA
Overall WORST performance as at Konsert 2 AF8 is FARINA
This is base on what I think... So, what do you guys think???
heheee... well, i wish for next concert, all of them ada byk improvement lah... sbb tak byk kelainan sgt AF untuk musim ni...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
no dancing-dancing.. sob..sob.. =(
Monday, March 22, 2010
so you think you can dance, babe?

okayss.... as it was highly recommended by my deary friend Kak Zainiah da vague da vas kita nie.... i want to follow also this programme called So You Think You Can Dance.. hehee.. at 9PM tonite... aku terpacak depan tv... hehee.. and i'll review it... if i have da time to make and entry post lah yerh... subject to time availability jgk lerr... ngeeehee..
Well, if you guys read thru my wish list on the right side bar... one of it is I want to pursue my passionate in dancing... as the real thing is..deep in my heart... i really reaaaally REALLY loveeeeeee dancing! soooo and soooo and soo much! owhh, big MUCH... huhuuu.. pheeew...
but, you know... there some hesitance or, maybe i should say it, something restrict me to continue in pursuing it... hahaaa.. (btol ker ayat nieh)... well, you know, i am married... and my husband do not support this kind of dancing or music, or all this entertainment things.... and my beloved father also, do not support their children into this dancing or singing career wannabe... he is more towards you know..that kind of professional career.. i.e doctors, engineers, accountant etc etc.... hrmmm....
But anyway..... in life, yes.. im not into that entertainment field like i WISH to, but sometimes, i try to squeeze a time or find an opportunity to express my passion i.e joining some event activities where i can get a chance to sing or dance... you know.. or maybe, i grab opportunity whenever during event of my company.... soo, that's not bad at all... try to balance it up.... between life and your work... hahaa.... (cara cakap dh mcm psychologist la pulak)
okay, back to the subject matter... hehee...
dont forget, tonite 9PM, watch So You Think You Can Dance at channel AXN(kot)... heheee

~~ceki-daut yalll~~
Well, if you guys read thru my wish list on the right side bar... one of it is I want to pursue my passionate in dancing... as the real thing is..deep in my heart... i really reaaaally REALLY loveeeeeee dancing! soooo and soooo and soo much! owhh, big MUCH... huhuuu.. pheeew...
but, you know... there some hesitance or, maybe i should say it, something restrict me to continue in pursuing it... hahaaa.. (btol ker ayat nieh)... well, you know, i am married... and my husband do not support this kind of dancing or music, or all this entertainment things.... and my beloved father also, do not support their children into this dancing or singing career wannabe... he is more towards you know..that kind of professional career.. i.e doctors, engineers, accountant etc etc.... hrmmm....
But anyway..... in life, yes.. im not into that entertainment field like i WISH to, but sometimes, i try to squeeze a time or find an opportunity to express my passion i.e joining some event activities where i can get a chance to sing or dance... you know.. or maybe, i grab opportunity whenever during event of my company.... soo, that's not bad at all... try to balance it up.... between life and your work... hahaa.... (cara cakap dh mcm psychologist la pulak)
okay, back to the subject matter... hehee...
dont forget, tonite 9PM, watch So You Think You Can Dance at channel AXN(kot)... heheee

~~ceki-daut yalll~~
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Gotong Royong @ Jetty
hadoooii laaa... penat hari ni gotong royong kt area KMF (Kertih Marine Facilities) pagi tadi...
dah la seminggu tak masuk opis... masuk2 jer... kene join gotong royong... hrmm, dalam kepala pikir byk giler kerja nk settle nih kt opis.... pening2 gak laaa...

habis gotong royong... naik opis.. mcm mengantuk pulak..haha
(alasan boleh pakai tak??)
mcm malaass la pulak nk kerja... huhuu...
dah la seminggu tak masuk opis... masuk2 jer... kene join gotong royong... hrmm, dalam kepala pikir byk giler kerja nk settle nih kt opis.... pening2 gak laaa...
habis gotong royong... naik opis.. mcm mengantuk pulak..haha
(alasan boleh pakai tak??)
mcm malaass la pulak nk kerja... huhuu...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Akademi Fantasia 8 - Konsert 1
Konsert 1, AF8
suddenly feel like want to be so called "pengkritik" yang tak bertauliah for this 1st concert.. heheee.. layan kan jerlaaa my criticism nie... i criticize base on my own discretion jer yerh.. and i watch their performance as like other audience..
1. maulana- mau dpt lagu bunkface, aku pun xpenah dgr lagu ni.. tgk mau nyanyi dh mcm lagu dia sendiri dh hehee ok laaa kan...but, mcm xsemngt sgt.. lembik ajer... overall okay la suara dia... cuma xenergetic jer..
2. adira- lagu ni best sgt tau sbnrnya.. tapi mata dia mcm lari tgk sana sini... overall, nyanyi ada okay cuma jerit2 ada perit sikit (ngeheee).. feel ? hrmmm mcm xder kot... sooo, xmasyuk la sgt...
3. shahir- feel terlebey lah rasanya... muka dia mcm sedeyyyy sgt.. hihii.. voice? hrmmm ok2 laa..
4. nad- muka konfiden giler.. tapi cam......ntahla.. voice ok, performance biasa2 saja...
5. daus- aduuuhh, lagu sedap dah... tapi, bila menari2 mike pun lari, suara pun xdgr sgt... sayang jerr.. overall, xbest sgt jadinyer...
6. farina- suara dia sedap gk la sket... but performance tuh kalo tiru gaya ladyGaga sket, baru gempak... tapi tadi mcm, kureng laaa..
7. alif- aku suker gak mula2 suara dia... but suara dia ni limited laa, klo nk nyayi lagu yg genre lain2 susah aaa, sbb byk yg xmasuk ngan voice dia... lagu aizat mlm td mmg xkene langsung dgn suara dia...
8. anum- cute..tapi semput time hujung lagu..
9. shah- suara dia sedap laa sebenarnyaa... dia bwk lagu tuh semlm dgn style dia sendiri... orite la kan..
10. ain- biasa2 aje... suara ok, but nk menari tuh mcm xbrapa confident.. munkin kasut tumit tinggi sgt kot.. i guess
11. ema- suara sedap! tapi ada props yg mengganggu dia la plak..
12. iwan- OMG! he's sooo CUTE giler lah... heheee.. dia bley tgh nyanyi2 tuh, kenyit2 mata lak... waduuuh, bisa cair hati ku... hahaa... overall, he's the BEST mlm td.. hahaa.... suara sedap, performance best... A++++ marks for you..
average performance from all, okla for 1st concert.. takleh nk put high expectation sgt... but.. okla semuanya... maybe some of it yg x okay tuh nervous kot...
Overall BEST performance konsert pertama Akademi Fantasia 8 to me is --> Iwan
Overall WORST performance konsert pertama Akademi Fantasia 8 to me is --> Daus
-::reminder::- these critics is only base on my own judgement... no any intention to sabotage or intention to influence other voters...
anyway.. happy voting AF fans!

suddenly feel like want to be so called "pengkritik" yang tak bertauliah for this 1st concert.. heheee.. layan kan jerlaaa my criticism nie... i criticize base on my own discretion jer yerh.. and i watch their performance as like other audience..
1. maulana- mau dpt lagu bunkface, aku pun xpenah dgr lagu ni.. tgk mau nyanyi dh mcm lagu dia sendiri dh hehee ok laaa kan...but, mcm xsemngt sgt.. lembik ajer... overall okay la suara dia... cuma xenergetic jer..
2. adira- lagu ni best sgt tau sbnrnya.. tapi mata dia mcm lari tgk sana sini... overall, nyanyi ada okay cuma jerit2 ada perit sikit (ngeheee).. feel ? hrmmm mcm xder kot... sooo, xmasyuk la sgt...
3. shahir- feel terlebey lah rasanya... muka dia mcm sedeyyyy sgt.. hihii.. voice? hrmmm ok2 laa..
4. nad- muka konfiden giler.. tapi cam......ntahla.. voice ok, performance biasa2 saja...
5. daus- aduuuhh, lagu sedap dah... tapi, bila menari2 mike pun lari, suara pun xdgr sgt... sayang jerr.. overall, xbest sgt jadinyer...
6. farina- suara dia sedap gk la sket... but performance tuh kalo tiru gaya ladyGaga sket, baru gempak... tapi tadi mcm, kureng laaa..
7. alif- aku suker gak mula2 suara dia... but suara dia ni limited laa, klo nk nyayi lagu yg genre lain2 susah aaa, sbb byk yg xmasuk ngan voice dia... lagu aizat mlm td mmg xkene langsung dgn suara dia...
8. anum- cute..tapi semput time hujung lagu..
9. shah- suara dia sedap laa sebenarnyaa... dia bwk lagu tuh semlm dgn style dia sendiri... orite la kan..
10. ain- biasa2 aje... suara ok, but nk menari tuh mcm xbrapa confident.. munkin kasut tumit tinggi sgt kot.. i guess
11. ema- suara sedap! tapi ada props yg mengganggu dia la plak..
12. iwan- OMG! he's sooo CUTE giler lah... heheee.. dia bley tgh nyanyi2 tuh, kenyit2 mata lak... waduuuh, bisa cair hati ku... hahaa... overall, he's the BEST mlm td.. hahaa.... suara sedap, performance best... A++++ marks for you..
average performance from all, okla for 1st concert.. takleh nk put high expectation sgt... but.. okla semuanya... maybe some of it yg x okay tuh nervous kot...
Overall BEST performance konsert pertama Akademi Fantasia 8 to me is --> Iwan
Overall WORST performance konsert pertama Akademi Fantasia 8 to me is --> Daus
-::reminder::- these critics is only base on my own judgement... no any intention to sabotage or intention to influence other voters...
anyway.. happy voting AF fans!
Akademi Fantasia
nak kata minat sgt takder laa.. but suker jerk nk layan AF ni...
heheee.. if i have time, i try to follow any updates for this year AF8 kat diari... if not... layan time konsert jerk...
but my hubby don't really like AF semua nieh... soo, sometimes... berebut jgk laa remote tv nk tgk astro.... he want to watch golf channel.. me want to watch AF...
but as husband and wife... we have to give and take laaa... pepandai laa bagi adil... kan..
soo, mlm nie, kita layan konsert 1 akademi fantasia 8! okeys... heheee...
Menuju Puncak!
heheee.. if i have time, i try to follow any updates for this year AF8 kat diari... if not... layan time konsert jerk...
but my hubby don't really like AF semua nieh... soo, sometimes... berebut jgk laa remote tv nk tgk astro.... he want to watch golf channel.. me want to watch AF...
but as husband and wife... we have to give and take laaa... pepandai laa bagi adil... kan..
soo, mlm nie, kita layan konsert 1 akademi fantasia 8! okeys... heheee...
Menuju Puncak!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
ooouuhh MIL
on 15.03.2010, i received SMS from my SIL (sister in law), my MIL (mother in law) accident! she was riding a motorcycle and it happened when a car crash her, then she fall down...
to make it worse, she was bleeding quite badly and her legs broken (i think)... she was rush to the hospital immediately....
i was sooo worried.. but..unfortunately i have skill group training at PERMATA for 3 days... so, then we decided, we going back to kampung on thursday... to visit her... every few hours, i keep sms-ing my SIL,and ask her for updates on my MIL... she had to go for operation for her legs... i don't really know how bad it is... but only God knows, i really worried bout her... feels like i wanna fly over to Batu Pahat and look after her... hrrmmmm...
hope everything goes well... amin...
to make it worse, she was bleeding quite badly and her legs broken (i think)... she was rush to the hospital immediately....
i was sooo worried.. but..unfortunately i have skill group training at PERMATA for 3 days... so, then we decided, we going back to kampung on thursday... to visit her... every few hours, i keep sms-ing my SIL,and ask her for updates on my MIL... she had to go for operation for her legs... i don't really know how bad it is... but only God knows, i really worried bout her... feels like i wanna fly over to Batu Pahat and look after her... hrrmmmm...
hope everything goes well... amin...
~~speedy recovery MIL~~
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Tudung baru.. Yeaaa!
tadi tengahari tudung baru dah sampai...
beli online.. banyak pulak tuh.... i like... hehee...
tetiba nak tukar selera.. dlu pakai shawl...
skang nak try tudung hijab instant pulak...
if okay, convinent and nice... bleh lah meneruskan...
uishhh, byk pulak collection tudung2 aku nie... boleh bukak kedai la lepas ni... huhuu..
bising la abg aku.... tudung stock terlalu byk... penuh almari xmuat dah...
opppss, im sorry hubby... i did it again!

beli online.. banyak pulak tuh.... i like... hehee...
tetiba nak tukar selera.. dlu pakai shawl...
skang nak try tudung hijab instant pulak...
if okay, convinent and nice... bleh lah meneruskan...
uishhh, byk pulak collection tudung2 aku nie... boleh bukak kedai la lepas ni... huhuu..
bising la abg aku.... tudung stock terlalu byk... penuh almari xmuat dah...
opppss, im sorry hubby... i did it again!

Monday, March 8, 2010
Unhappy... feeling unwell
today... i don't feel good about myself... =(
early in the morning... get ready to go to office, my lil hafiy crying and screaming.... he also not in a good mood, same just like mummy dia...
masuk office with no motivation at all... don't know why... feel tired and sleepy and lazy and hungry... huhuuu....
tak mood la today.... UWAAAA!

hoping it will recover soon.... AMIN...
early in the morning... get ready to go to office, my lil hafiy crying and screaming.... he also not in a good mood, same just like mummy dia...
masuk office with no motivation at all... don't know why... feel tired and sleepy and lazy and hungry... huhuuu....
tak mood la today.... UWAAAA!

hoping it will recover soon.... AMIN...
Friday, March 5, 2010
Birthday my love MAMA
hehee..on 13 February 2010 was birthday my mother...
4 of us, adik beradik celebrate it at our home Puncak Bangi!
it was one of the memorable moment ever, i tell you...
mama dapat special special double special present this year from 4 of us!
from Angah - Black Shining Purse from BONIA...
from Hafiza - 6 pieces drop gorgeous beautiful dining table set
from Hardiana - Silver Gold hand watch from BONIA
and the most special is...
from Hafidzi - da most delicious marvelous lemon drink
Mama absolutely greatly happyyyyy with all the present + the last minute cake + the suprise's sing from us..(^_^)
here some gorgeous pic ever 2010.. hahahh... credit to the photographer M Hafidzi Haris
mama terlalu excited, terus call papa at sudan and update him on da suprise.. haha

Happy birthday to you mama!!!
we really love you big much, Muaaahxx..
it was one of the memorable moment ever, i tell you...
mama dapat special special double special present this year from 4 of us!
from Angah - Black Shining Purse from BONIA...
from Hafiza - 6 pieces drop gorgeous beautiful dining table set
from Hardiana - Silver Gold hand watch from BONIA
and the most special is...
from Hafidzi - da most delicious marvelous lemon drink
Mama absolutely greatly happyyyyy with all the present + the last minute cake + the suprise's sing from us..(^_^)
here some gorgeous pic ever 2010.. hahahh... credit to the photographer M Hafidzi Haris
mama terlalu excited, terus call papa at sudan and update him on da suprise.. haha
we really love you big much, Muaaahxx..
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