yesterday.... for the first time..... since we live at Rantau Bukit Quarters for 4 years... our house flooded.... due to heavy rain non-stop....
woke up around 5 AM.... sedar-sedar dah ada air kt dalam bilik tido kami... its like walking inside a river.... huhuuu... terkezut lah babe.... quickly kejutkan husband.... pastu nk switch ON lampu tak boleh... ouhh, rupanya black-out.... kejutkan my maid... check satu rumah, barang lain, wayar ke, laptop ke, anything berharga semua angkut letak atas meja or kerusi... then, our shoes??!! daaa, for sure sedang berenang-renang merayap ke mana-mana ntah....
at 8 AM... air dah surut... electricity back on duty.... huhu... apa lagi, spring cleaning lah... mop cuci the whole house, all carpet, pillows, bags, teddy bears, baju yang basah-basah, curtains, floor mat... everything keluarkan, hubby basuh sendiri... if its me... sure i hantar dobi jer..... sah-sah susah nk keringkan kan all those things coz in this kind of weather.... 2 bulan pon tak hilang bau and tak kering kot... huhuuu....
hubby and our maid paling penat.... me? cannot move a lot... the floor was too slippery... i nearly fall down and its too dangerous for me to move around in 6 months pregnant.... hubby suh duk diam.... and i syyhhhhh, diam-diam lah.... main-main with hafiy, watch tv, makan-makan, layan internet.... heheeee, macam princess....
(sorry takde pic, tooooo malas nak snap gambar)
with love.... HH
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
...i wish forrr........
yesszzz.... i know, i knowww.....................
my birth-day is still far lagi.... but, i think now is the right time to berangan-angan.... what acctually i want for this year birthday....... hrmmmm.... still cudnt figure out what yet....
and also.... bile dh calculate plus minus ere n there.... i MAYBE celebrate my birthday during my confinement?!!!! waddee~~~ huhuhuuuukkk..... no cakes, no sweets, no chocolate, no ice cream, no shopping, no karaokesss.... but presents?? still can have... kan kan kannnnn..... heheee....
oklahhh.... nk berangan-berangannnnn...... nk ape yerh... ape yerhh... adusssz, blurrrr gilerr....
but.... ada few things yg mcm best and 'sesekaliiii ku rasa teriiingiiinnnnnn...' nak
ipad2 - but the price, perghhh RM1200 above kottt...

a set of SOTHYS facial care - i'm not sure how much cost for one whole set... but worth it ke yerk??

a set of make-up from MAC - as im a make-up addict.... boleh tambah collection and main 'conteng-conteng' muka lagik.... gedixx~~lalalaaaaa

a gold bracelet - wuhuhuuuu... glam gitu..... duit nyer pon glammm...

a hot pink handbag - Aaarggghhhhh! juling mata... tido peluk bag ni jerh... hihiii

and til now.... stil berangan-angan... what acctually i want.. really.... hrmmmm... sungguh blurry lagih nih........ ideasssssssssss... pls come to me... ngeheheee....
with love... HH
and also.... bile dh calculate plus minus ere n there.... i MAYBE celebrate my birthday during my confinement?!!!! waddee~~~ huhuhuuuukkk..... no cakes, no sweets, no chocolate, no ice cream, no shopping, no karaokesss.... but presents?? still can have... kan kan kannnnn..... heheee....
oklahhh.... nk berangan-berangannnnn...... nk ape yerh... ape yerhh... adusssz, blurrrr gilerr....
but.... ada few things yg mcm best and 'sesekaliiii ku rasa teriiingiiinnnnnn...' nak
ipad2 - but the price, perghhh RM1200 above kottt...

a set of SOTHYS facial care - i'm not sure how much cost for one whole set... but worth it ke yerk??

a set of make-up from MAC - as im a make-up addict.... boleh tambah collection and main 'conteng-conteng' muka lagik.... gedixx~~lalalaaaaa

a gold bracelet - wuhuhuuuu... glam gitu..... duit nyer pon glammm...

a hot pink handbag - Aaarggghhhhh! juling mata... tido peluk bag ni jerh... hihiii

and til now.... stil berangan-angan... what acctually i want.. really.... hrmmmm... sungguh blurry lagih nih........ ideasssssssssss... pls come to me... ngeheheee....
with love... HH
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Last week my company organize an event one night stay at Kuantan... All staff were allowed to bring along their families... It was a simple, short yet wonderful enuf for all of us to-get-to-know each other... not only bonding among staff but also among their families which make it more meaningful and memorable... i like it, to be honest...... simple yet enjoyable and it went very well (at least to me... it went successfully... daaa~~)
this is the opportunity..... you know..... me, hubby and hafiy... our getaway - spent short holidays - together-gather - have fun without incur any cost (xcept duit minyak keta lorh) - also met new friends - hafiy pon dpt mandi kt swimming pool with bunch of other kids..... orite laaa kan.... nothings heavy, just a very simple get-together... naicheeee :)
hafiy of course... sronok laaa dpt mandi kt pool wif daddy la kan.... mummy dh boncit la cyanggg.. huhuuuu

then... at night we have a BBQ dinner at ballroom... the theme was "ARABIAN NIGHT".... huhuuuuu.... so, SEVERAL of us... dtg berpakaian ala-ala arab... ya habibi, ya maulana.... 3 of us.... dress mcm arab jgk la sket... plg gedix tak bley tahan sentap-hati-mak-nak of coz la mummy nyer kaaannnn.... mekap itu ini... lilit sana sini... tadaaa! heheeee....

anyway..... (malu nk ckp....) emmm... i won best dress that nite! hihiii *blushh* boncittttt pulak tuh... uhuhuuuukk...
after VIP guest blk bilik tidoq..... the rest of the committee pun melalak karaoke... testing bakat memasing.... hihiii.....

then... the next day...ada tele-match sket... sampai noon, kami semua bley balik.... but b4 went back to Kertih, we drop ke kenduri kawin member sat......

it was a nice weekend.... thanks to the committee member yang byk tolong during the event... and also congrat to our friend here... 'Selamat Pengantin Baru'...
Maybe next budget, we make it more merrier than before okaysss... hope so.... :)
with love.... HH
this is the opportunity..... you know..... me, hubby and hafiy... our getaway - spent short holidays - together-gather - have fun without incur any cost (xcept duit minyak keta lorh) - also met new friends - hafiy pon dpt mandi kt swimming pool with bunch of other kids..... orite laaa kan.... nothings heavy, just a very simple get-together... naicheeee :)
hafiy of course... sronok laaa dpt mandi kt pool wif daddy la kan.... mummy dh boncit la cyanggg.. huhuuuu
then... at night we have a BBQ dinner at ballroom... the theme was "ARABIAN NIGHT".... huhuuuuu.... so, SEVERAL of us... dtg berpakaian ala-ala arab... ya habibi, ya maulana.... 3 of us.... dress mcm arab jgk la sket... plg gedix tak bley tahan sentap-hati-mak-nak of coz la mummy nyer kaaannnn.... mekap itu ini... lilit sana sini... tadaaa! heheeee....
after VIP guest blk bilik tidoq..... the rest of the committee pun melalak karaoke... testing bakat memasing.... hihiii.....
then... the next day...ada tele-match sket... sampai noon, kami semua bley balik.... but b4 went back to Kertih, we drop ke kenduri kawin member sat......
it was a nice weekend.... thanks to the committee member yang byk tolong during the event... and also congrat to our friend here... 'Selamat Pengantin Baru'...
Maybe next budget, we make it more merrier than before okaysss... hope so.... :)
with love.... HH
Friday, March 4, 2011
busy bee..
Saya tau saya sudah lama mengabaikan dearie blog nih.. Bukan tak sengaja mahu mengupdate kan dearie blog, tapi mmg sengaja punnnn kan.. Hihihiii.. Macam biasala... Kita sure nyer bagi alasan standard... Sebab saya busy lah, takde masa lah,takde idea lah, kekadang tuh sebab malas pun yer jugak kaaannn.. Selalu jerk singgah sini, tengok-tengok je... Tapi biler nk click new post tuh, jari ni rasa beraaaat semacam (pergh! Alasan tak bley blah).. Tapi biler jenguk-jenguk blog kawan laen, jeleeeess jerk tengok mereka bersemangat membedal segala macam cerita menarik tertarik ko memang debomng cakap sama luh! (Amik kau, statement panjang tuh)..
Sooooo, apa yang saya mau cerita ini dalam post yerh... As the title already written "busy bee", sooo, memang pon, kaaannnn... March.. My very busy month untuk kita tauuuu... Nama designation pon dah 'Finance & Admin Executive'... Finance - busy yang amat bangat mabuk-mabuk macam orang morning sickness dah semuanya.. You name it baybeh.. Provision tax compt eleven month, MC paper for financial year as at 11 month, report ituh inih, initiative ituh inih yang nak keneh complete kan by end of March, blaaa bla blaaahhh.. Admin pulak - masa ni lah semunya nak perabihkan budget.. Masa nih lah baru nk start beli itu beli ini.. Masa ini lah semua segala mak nenek event nak buat jugak.. Away day ituh inih..
Ko bayangkan lah nokkkkk.. Mana hati nak tak sentap nakkkk.. Finance matters pun mak nak kene allocate time, admin pun mak jugak noookkk... Admin nyer hal nampak jer mudah kannn, tapi sangat lah remeh temeh and makcik nih jugak kene allocate banyak time kat hal-hal kecik nih.. Takpeeee takpe kita memang 'suuuuuker' bulan march ni jugak kann.. Sebab time nih jugak PPA kannn..
Tapi tapi tapi... Kiter tak kesah dah pun... kekadang kiter rasa 'serooooonokk' sangat.. Hihiihihii.. Yang penting kat kiterrr, hidup mesti mau happy sajerrr... Kannn..
Haaaaa, pastu kan kan kannn.... Kiter skang kan dah pregnant 5 bulan jugal tauu.. Besssstt, sebab kita tak sabaarrr nk baby keluar.. Hahaaaa (baru 5 bulan siot).. Sebab aper tau... Sebab satu kalau ni baby girl kan, memang best ah kann.. Pastu kiter jugak tak sabar nak merasa balik pengalaman breastfeeding baby and kalau dapat nak lama sampai setahun 2 tahun kann.. I've been reading a lot about bf lately.. Soo, teruja laa mak kannn.. Heheee..
Haaa, pastu pastu pastuuu, saya jugak dah start consuming Herbalife semulaaaa! Andddd, alhamdulillah! It really works on mummy to be like me!!! Saya dah hilang rasa mual-mual, angin-angin dalam badan and rasa pening pun kurang.. Serius babe! Best siot... Legaaaa hati mak nookk.. And mengikut kata penasihat saya, nanti kulit baby akan cantikkk ajer sebab mummy consume Herbalife kann.. Sooo, skang ni I'm also helping my sister cik enja, menjadi independent distributor for Herbalife nih.. She's sooo superb and excellent babe, really can help you all, and can be ur personal coach yang sangat best! Takde tipu punya maaa.. Sebab dia jenis peramah tak hingat, friendly and cakap banyakkk.. Feel free to visit her blog lah haaaaa, singgah-singgah la menjenguk yerrrr...
Okla dearie blog... Kiter sebenarnya kan, menaip entry post ni dalam kereta guna BB jerk.. Muahahaaa.. Mak buhsan dalam kete noookkk.. Heheee..
See you in next post yerh (kalau mak rajin-rajin kat exercise jari ni lah yerh) hihihii..
With Love... HH
Sooooo, apa yang saya mau cerita ini dalam post yerh... As the title already written "busy bee", sooo, memang pon, kaaannnn... March.. My very busy month untuk kita tauuuu... Nama designation pon dah 'Finance & Admin Executive'... Finance - busy yang amat bangat mabuk-mabuk macam orang morning sickness dah semuanya.. You name it baybeh.. Provision tax compt eleven month, MC paper for financial year as at 11 month, report ituh inih, initiative ituh inih yang nak keneh complete kan by end of March, blaaa bla blaaahhh.. Admin pulak - masa ni lah semunya nak perabihkan budget.. Masa nih lah baru nk start beli itu beli ini.. Masa ini lah semua segala mak nenek event nak buat jugak.. Away day ituh inih..
Ko bayangkan lah nokkkkk.. Mana hati nak tak sentap nakkkk.. Finance matters pun mak nak kene allocate time, admin pun mak jugak noookkk... Admin nyer hal nampak jer mudah kannn, tapi sangat lah remeh temeh and makcik nih jugak kene allocate banyak time kat hal-hal kecik nih.. Takpeeee takpe kita memang 'suuuuuker' bulan march ni jugak kann.. Sebab time nih jugak PPA kannn..
Tapi tapi tapi... Kiter tak kesah dah pun... kekadang kiter rasa 'serooooonokk' sangat.. Hihiihihii.. Yang penting kat kiterrr, hidup mesti mau happy sajerrr... Kannn..
Haaaaa, pastu kan kan kannn.... Kiter skang kan dah pregnant 5 bulan jugal tauu.. Besssstt, sebab kita tak sabaarrr nk baby keluar.. Hahaaaa (baru 5 bulan siot).. Sebab aper tau... Sebab satu kalau ni baby girl kan, memang best ah kann.. Pastu kiter jugak tak sabar nak merasa balik pengalaman breastfeeding baby and kalau dapat nak lama sampai setahun 2 tahun kann.. I've been reading a lot about bf lately.. Soo, teruja laa mak kannn.. Heheee..
Haaa, pastu pastu pastuuu, saya jugak dah start consuming Herbalife semulaaaa! Andddd, alhamdulillah! It really works on mummy to be like me!!! Saya dah hilang rasa mual-mual, angin-angin dalam badan and rasa pening pun kurang.. Serius babe! Best siot... Legaaaa hati mak nookk.. And mengikut kata penasihat saya, nanti kulit baby akan cantikkk ajer sebab mummy consume Herbalife kann.. Sooo, skang ni I'm also helping my sister cik enja, menjadi independent distributor for Herbalife nih.. She's sooo superb and excellent babe, really can help you all, and can be ur personal coach yang sangat best! Takde tipu punya maaa.. Sebab dia jenis peramah tak hingat, friendly and cakap banyakkk.. Feel free to visit her blog lah haaaaa, singgah-singgah la menjenguk yerrrr...
Okla dearie blog... Kiter sebenarnya kan, menaip entry post ni dalam kereta guna BB jerk.. Muahahaaa.. Mak buhsan dalam kete noookkk.. Heheee..
See you in next post yerh (kalau mak rajin-rajin kat exercise jari ni lah yerh) hihihii..
With Love... HH
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