11.39PM (in M'sia), maybe.. 4-5PM (in Sudan)
PAPA: Tqvm for your wonderful wish.. Alhamdulillah, i'm so happy and proud also to have you as my daughter and what most important is your strong heart... and plss continue so forever.. InsyaAllah Allah akan membalas semua kebaikan kita.....
after reading his text.... i cudn't sleep..... my eyes widely open.... the words from him were sooo deep.... and i can really understand what does he meant.... i know what he's trying to say...... 'strong heart'.......................................... feels like wanna cry.... so bad... but no tears dropping on my face.... (dh kering kot air mata nak nangis..huhu)......
however, in my heart, im screaming and crying like crazy.... cuma if u see me outside, i hv no more tears to let go........
dear papa, im strong now because of you and mama's support.... thank you for everything both of you have done for me..... i survive now and in future, because of you both.....
Thank you Papa! Thank you Mama!

With love... HH
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