Assalamualaikum w.b.t
Dear All Readers....
Its been quite a long and in fact very long long time tak update my blog..
My apology... sorry2... very da very busy tak terkata sebulan ni...
Bulan 3 dan 4, time closing account and audit for every anak2 syarikat PETRONAS seluruh negeri...
Seperti yg dijangka.. aku perlu bertungkus lumus, menghadapi saat kesibukan dgn keadaan yg begitu sengsara dan hanya dapat pulang ke rumah jam 10 mlm setiap hari...
Until the day that our Auditor, sign aprroved! on our audited accounts, then baru lah boleh bernafas lega...
Kesian kan kat aku dan my fellow colleagues yg setiap hari bermati-matian berkerja keras...
credit harus diberikan kepada mereka dan akhirnya.. semua berjaya disiapkan dengan baik...
Taknak lagi cerita panjang2 pasal kerja kan...
Skang kiter cerita, flash back on the all fun and memorable activity that I've been throught back few weeks...
ooohhh, before that... my Title for this post is F1, COMEL and PBPP...
F1 = for Formula One..
COMEL = our cat which my mother just bought..
and PBPP = Program Bakti Pendidikan PETRONAS.. which is our charity activity with our sekolah angkat here in Terengganu area...
So continue with the story... F1 baru2 ni... me and my cayang hubby, got free ticket to watch F1 race at Sepang... this is our first time dpt gi tgk and dpt sit kt grand stand... mmg excited and so anxious to go la kan...
so, here some pic for all viewers, cekidout!
haaa... ini plak some pics i want to share with you our new family members...
presenting si Comel, the cat...
ni gambar last aku jumpa comel ari tuh... i think by now, she is much bigger...
ooouuuhh, miss Comel very much!!!
look at her hands... so cute and funny =)
apa dia buat kat celah2 wayar tuhhh.... nakal!
termenung panjang... mengenang nasib si Comel..
ok now plak.. nk share few pics during Hari Anugerah Cemerlang pelajar PBPP 2008...
our students from adopted school kene wat persembahan that day...
ok readers.... thats it for now...
insyaAllah.. next time will update more pics and more story mory yaaa....
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