My blog is a bit dusty here... fuhh fuuh there, fuuhh fuhh here... ehemm-ehemm... okay...
I'm sorry for leaving this blog dusty here and there... i've been away from home, away from interent for a while (at PIL's kampung no internet) and been busy with the kids (because my bibik, ku kasi cuti soo, quality time for them baybeh! 100% concentrate on them)
WAHHH, sudah lama tinggal blog, kata mana nak start ni yerhh... Actually I have too many ideas in my head to blog about... and because too many, sampaikan i get 'blank' don't know where to start, ahakssss (alasan ku boleh diterima tak??)
HAhAHa... anyway, this entry i decided to share with you all on my variety of tudungsss.. again.. YES again.. because previously i have already blog on my photo of tudung style.. check it HERE..
So, this time around.. same thing... more tudung style for your view.... Well, I'm a person who like to try new things and... I'm like an adventures on tudung/hijab journey (ecehh2, erkk ayat aper nih?)... *ok ignore jerr*
I can say 99% of my hijab I bought it from online shop... let me share, here are the list of Online Shop I usually shoppingsss to.... Check it out!
1. Radiusite
2. Sugarscarf
3. ButikPinkKu
4. al-humaira'
5. Shawlbyvsnow
6. AnggunZara
7. ChicShawl
8. Qismee
and....lots lots more online shops...
Biler dah purchase, paid, SOLD.. ape lagi, melaram time! Muahahahaa...

Semua gambar di atas muka budget cun kiut-miut la tuh.... buerkkkk kaannn..
With love.. HH
cantik2 shawl itu :)
dah banyak sangat YUNA kat Malaysianih~..
Mr J
wahh..macam2 tudung ie..nmpak nice pkai shawl itam tu..;)
i vote yg scnd last tu..sgt shantek...hehe
Alamak, semua cantik. Nasib baik wife abe x tgk, kalau tak gerenti dia suruh cari. Hehehe
susah nak komen nii...sal pompuan nii..apepon,da komen..hehe
Alin: thanks ;)
Mr. J: suara YUNA jer xdpt nk copy.. hehe
Noratikah: yeke yg hitam tu cantek.. pasni nk slalu pakai yg hitam tu lah, haha!
Lia: time kaseh lia!
Nazri: hahahahaa.. bawak jerla jalan2 gi masjid india jap...
Akif: erkks... muahaha
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