Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The One We Love... Gone Forever
i couldn't find any other words to describe what happend.. how i feel.. what was i thinking..
all i could say is... i love her soo much... and always missed you, always... May you rest in Peace my dear.....
(amik tisu, kesat air mata meleleh.. nanti officemate nampak plak..)
read this entry post by my sister to know what exactly happened --> Si Comel pergi....
Saturday, November 15, 2008
New experience.. New life...
Dear readers,
It has been a long time since i update my blog here... this few weeks were very hectic, busy, stressed, tired and bla..bla... everything gone wild, rushing here & there, being so tense.. oouhh gosh, i'm out of words to describe how things has been going on lately...
referring to my last entry post "Finally, Syukur.. Alhamdulillah".... i am now pregnant 2 months... Yess... finally alhamdulillah..
I haven't gone thru any terrible morning sickness or vomit a lot... only there's one time i have this very da very terrible pain in my stomach.. and i have to take MC at clinic..the doctor said i had a gastric and need rest + proper and on time meals + medication...
well, the thing is... after i get pregnant... i have no apettite to eat... i only can eat green apple and orange juice... but, nasi goreng ke, sate ke, mihun sup ke, burger ke, wooooouuurgghhhh.... yaarrkkhh...
i just can't go... i have no desire to eat those stuff....
but now... after 2 months preggy... i start can eat this nasi2, goreng2 stuff, soup... but still very minimal and slowly....
whatever it is... this experience is a totally new experience for me... i would never forget these... all these...
yup.... i'm still trying to adjust with this new situation... my stomach getting bigger... and i'm getting fatter... haha...but in deep... deeply in my heart...i'm very happy... soooo happy... with this new life... new birth....the child that i and my dearly husband has been waiting for... will later cheer up our day...
whatever happened... my baby is my priority... we all will cherish you with love honey.... pray to Allah... this baby will be a healthy baby... strong and well...
thank you Allah... thank You...
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Finally.. Syukur Alhamdulillah!

First of all, syukur Alhamdulillah ke hadrat Illahi... doa ku telah dimakbulkan Allah SWT..
aku bersyukur ke hadrat mu Ya Allah... Syukur sgt....
Alhamdulillah.... Alhamdulillah....
Sesungguhnya Hanya Engkaulah yang Maha Berkuasa, Maha Mengasihani dan Maha Mengetahui segala-galanya...
Ku panjatkan kesyukuran ku kepada Mu Ya Allah...
Alhamdulillah... Syukran....
Amin.... Amin Ya RabbilAlamin...
Raya 2008 continued....
raya 2008 punya cerita punya sambungan.. wahahahaa.....
after puas makan2 n lepak2 di ikan bakar sg duyung... me and hubby blk kg lah, ke parti sulong, batu pahat...
whereas my parents and adik-adiks blk kl smula...
aku sampai di rumah mertua ku lebih kurang jam 11 lebih kot.. penat plus ngantok sey..
esoknyer, aku and hubby teman mertua ku pegi shopping beli brg-brg dapur utk masak raya nanti... byk giler beli, daging, ayam, rempah ratus, daun kelapa (utk wat ketupat..my favourite) dan bagai2 lagi la yg dibeli...
after blk dr shopping brg dapur, aku berjaya memujuk hubby ku untuk bawa aku pulak pegi shopping di batu pahat mall... wahahahaha, suker hati aku... tapi takda la shopping sakan sgt... sbb yg sebenarnya aku dh teramat penat dan mengantuk dek sebabkan tolong mak mertua ku shopping brg dapur tadi.. dah la panas terik, puasa lagi.. adeehhh..
tapi tapi tapi..... shopping punya pasal, aku gigihkan jugak utk ke batu pahat mall.... apa yg aku shopping?? ala, cuma kasut baru, jeans baru, and few baby-t... itu ajek.. sbb choices nyer tak brapa menarik daaa, very limited choices... tak apa lah... yg penting dpt jugak lah ku cari kasut baru untuk raya... wahahaaa
balik dr shopping aku tolong ibu mertua ku menganyam ketupat... kalau nk tau, yg pandai nganyam ketupat kat rumah tuh cuma aku dan ibu mertuaku sahaja! yang lain, hampreh... tak dapek nk nolong... hahahaa, tp diorg ada la tolong perkemaskan anyaman nyer...tp klo suruh anyam dr mula, mmg tak gherti pon deme nyer... wahaha, takpelah.. aku suka gak anyam2 ketupat ni... korng bayangkanla dr petang ke mlm ke pagi ke subuh ke tghari.. aku tak berenti nganyam.. total ketupat 150 biji!!!! sioooottt... byk tuh.... sbb nyer ibu mertuaku ini rajin bg-bg kat org, bagi kt jiran2 seblh, kat nenek di kg, kat sedara2 terdekat, gitulah gamaknya...
aku pon ada la gak tolong potong2 bawang... cuci ayam2 ntah berapa belas ekor ntah (mcm nk wat kenduri seeyyyy) hahahaa... tp takper.. yg penting aku ada jugak berjasa dan berkhidmat untuk keluarga mertua ku.. hahahaha....
okla2 byk lak cerita... ceki-daut photo2 raya tahun nie!!! gedik-gediks santai.... wah!
hehe... dah besar pon nk main bunga api gak... wajib2.. wah!
kami berdua on-da way tu my grandmother's house... nk jumpa papa, mama and adik2 ku yg gediks... salam2 maap2 nk bg duit raya ler...
haa.. ini nenek aku, belah ayah... dia ajer org tua yg tinggal.. belah mak dah takder saper.. hrmm, kami ada iras2 tak?? hehehee...
sebelah kiri aku tu lah my sis.. sis fiza... dah kurus dah... sukerla tu! wah!
ini lah kami sekeluarga, Haris's Family yg semuanya 7 orang... (do u notice that only my husband tak pakai baju melayu pink? the reason y is, he hates pink dress.. hrmmm??!!! xsporting rite.. oopps, jgn marah!)
ni bro iji nyer keje, amik gambar style pro la... (katanya....) wah!
wah! ini gadis gedik lemang nama nya... (lariiiikkk.......)
kat dapur pon jadik korang nie semua.. kan aku dh bgtau ualls awal2 tadi... my family semua ni mmg giler kamera! asal nmpk flash jerk, ader jerk posing maut masing2... contohnya yang tgh2 tuh... ala-ala YB(Yang Berhormat) la.. katanya..........
yg ini pulak keluarga bahagia.. sebelah mertua ku... diorg ni ala2 terbalik dgn my family... asal nmpk flash kamera jerk.. terus kuncup tersipu2 malu and control habikh la org ckp... hihihi...
ini my sis ipar... baru form 4... tp tinggi sama jerk ngan aku..
to be continued.... segmen raya 2008 di Perak (kampung my mother)
kan aku dh ckp... raya tahun ni mmg sakan gilers... wahahaa...
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Ikan Bakar Sg Duyong!!!!
Dear readers...

setelah kekenyangan, time lepak2, borak2, gediks2.... haha!

my bro tgh syok sendri, snap gambar.. kihkihkih

my father... mcm nk gelak ke nk ckp something ntah.. hikhikhik..
konon2 nyer ala2 loving gitu... wahahaha..

3 bachelors yg gediks.. heheheee.. from your left: bro hardi, bro iji, sis fiza!
bajet cute la semua ni, walaupon.................
hahahaa..... okla girls...
ada lagi posting menanti untuk segment hari raya 2008 and more hot2 gossips (katanya...)
anyway, best nyer dapat lepak sama2 dgn fmaily camni... biler lah agaknyer ada masa lagi...
best best best!!!! korang sumer mmg BEST!
Friday, September 26, 2008
si Comel yang ku rindui
I miss you la dear.. walaupun kau agak-agak nakal, tapi kau sentiasa di hati (katanya..)...
okla, here i update the pics of si Comel the latest..
dah makin besar and gemuk..... makin ganas, makin nakal, makin manja2 dan segala makin lagi lah...
so here girls, ceki-daut!
kantoi!! menyorok belakang laptop aku yerh...
gemuk nyer... tapi lately ni nampak kurus sket..
sekarang ni si Comel ada di Pet store, where we bought her.. sbb it's time for her to mating dgn kucing jantan... lagipon my family sumer nk blk kg for a week.. so, she will be kept at the store for a while.. nk bawak blk kg cam susah la pulak nanti nk jaga...
anyway, hope this time, menjadi la proses mengawan tuh... Comel cepat2 mengandung, dpt baby yg cute2 tau.. hopefully... Amin...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Majlis Sentuhan Kasih 2008
Last 2 weeks (13/09/2008) we have our Majlis Sentuhan Kasih with all unfortunate kids from various school in East Coast area..
I'm one of the committee member for the event (committee Entertainment), so of course, very da buzy to prepare itu ini.. We have 2 nasyid group sang during the event and 1 cute little girl perform a story telling about Rasulullah saw.. for the finale of entertainment we all (everyone in the hall) sang together the song called Your Mother! and I, spontaneously.. go to the crowd with the mike lead the crowd, sing together.. It was fun, and of course ada nervous2 sket... tapi best la... after that, its time for VIP to hand over a special gift to all the kids by each OPUs..
Here, you may ceki-daut the photos..

It was wonderfull! I have so much fun with the children.. they seems so happy... dapat duit raya, dapat basikal baru, baju baru, beg baru... syukur alhamdullilah...
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Glasgow & Edinburgh, Scotland
Penat sungguh minggu lepas, bertungkus lumus sibuk membuat persediaan untuk majlis sentuhan kasih Petronas 2008. Finally, we end it up beautifully with a remarkable finale from all.
Myself pon trus spontaneous nyer bernyanyi bersama and interact wif all the unfortunate kids.
I will share some of the photos later.. i promised!
And now, i want to share wif all of you my photos of trip to Scotland.
I went to Glasgow and Edinburgh. It was my first time went abroad and i'm of course soo excited, soo happy =)
so girls.. ceki-daut the photos below!
Overall, it was fun! Hubby pon nampak seronok sgt.. I hope next time dapat pegi lagi..
Tak puas rasa jalan2 di negara orang... Syiokk!! hihihihiii..
Okla geng, that's it for now i guess.. i will share more photos and more story mory...
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Me and My Sister!
Dear Readers...
Lama giler2 tak update blog.. semakin hari semakin buzy... hrmm, pelik la... why ah.. getting buzier and buzier.... okla, xnak citer pasal keje lagi..
I just want to share some photos me and my sis kat office skang... tgh gedik2 jap sbb takder org da in office...
hehe... okla.. im done here... nk balik umah... mau masak2.. and prepare whatever utk esok puasa... kemas2 rumah everything...
anyway, i'll post lagi new updates on me... last month ada gi scotland jalan2.. so i'll share some great photos with yall...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
so far.... all I can say is.... I am the worst player in the team... uwaaaa.... malunyer...
memang laaa, last year aku main jugak for the team, but, after last year game, i've never play again until last week i decided to join back the team because of some reasons (i think you know why)...
..all the players have started their practice since January 08 lagik!!! so just imagine... i just started joining them now on May and i have missed the training for about 4 months already!!! and mmg giler la aku ketinggalan... dr segi skills, confident, techniques and bla..bla...
malu jugak la biler time training, aku asyik kantoi jerk klo amik bola....
and for your info, aku ni jenis yg cepat 'down' tau.. biler something yg 'slack' jer.... trus confident and semangat tuh, mmg 'down' giler...
tp (nk menyedapkan hati) semlm nyer training aku ada sket improvement la.... hehe...
cumanyer.. i'm too focus, too concentrate, too excited, too energetic, too active... until my ankle ada seliuh sket... semlm dh rasa dh mcm urat kat my ankle tuh berdenyut2.... but i thought ala, sakit sket jer ni, kejap jer... until this morning, biler i woke up.... ankle aku sakit giler (kaki kiri)...
aku nk jalan terhincut2 bah.... tp solat subuh pagi tadi ok, cuma time berjalan jer.....
aduh laaa... so, what to do??? i have training this evening.... i don't want all the coach know bout this... im afraid they will thought that i'm a liability to the team... main sket sakit, sket2 sakit...
this morning i've put some 'orudis gel' at my ankle (i got it from doctor, last year)... hope the pain will reduce, so that i can play nanti.....
i really reaaaaally want to practice more.. want to do better... want to help the team to be the best team played in the game nanti.... that's why im sooo dedicated to the game... tak kesah practice bermati-matian pon.... tak kesah, klo kene sakit2 pon.... i know i can do better... i want to improve more.. more and more..... i want to make sure, training day by day ni... I must have some improvement in my skills and techniques...
so, readers.... doa2kan la yer.....
semoga kaki ku ni cepat sembuh and semoga aku berjaya membuat peningkatan dalam Volleyball game ni... Amin...