I am..... really trully sorry for the late entry post of my delivery to the beautiful daughter, Hana Arissa...
Honestly i have no reasons to give.. hrmmmm...
Why i don't take the initiative to update the birth of this princess??.. Well, the answer is..memang purposely sengaja and penyakit "M" (malas) to write during confinement, ....i guess...
Okay.... so... this 2nd time experience is totally different from the first one... i'll share to you the story so that it can be your reference, and maybe my reference also, in future... anyway, sharing is caring, kannn.... different child, has different experience... bukan semua anak sama....
During my 2nd pregnancy i've done MRI (which is stand for..i hv no idea.. or... i think i forgot the full words of it) at 37 weeks.. and the results says my pelvic bone is seriously small.. it is impossible for a baby of weight more than 2kilos to go thru a normal delivery of mine... unless my baby is weight only 1.7kilos which very small, then there's a chances to go for normal delivery...
so, am accepting the fact that I AM SMALL... but... however... we'll never knew right, mana tahu... miracles does happen.... insyaAllah boleh ke... kan kan...
so, as the MRI result says it is... we have choose the lucky number of the lil princess birth on 11 July 2011 (11.07.11), Monday early morning... and of course thru c-sec....
as like previously, the operations room was sooooo demn COLD and im FREEZING and SHIVERING... feels like am in a eskimo house! dah laa tak pakai ape2... sejukkkkkkk...
half of my body part di 'bius' kan... so, am awake during the operations, but feels nothing from chest until bottom... during operations, as it was very early in the morning, i was still fresh and i remember making 'noises' masa pembedahan tuh... hahahaha! yes!! altho i was di 'bius' kan.. but still i can feel like the doctor macam tarik2 my body, i can smell the smoke (maybe the laser kot), i can feel they push my stomach here n there... soooooo, i was being a bit naughty and GEDIKS, i make sounds like "ouchh" "aaa" "uuuuhhh" "ishhhh"... and of cos the doctors and nurses surely tanya "sakit ke puan??" that's the procedure kan... if really the patient feel pain they need to stop and see if there's anything wrong happen... hahaha... and you know what i replied "emm, takde la sakit sgt, cuma neves" HAHAHAHAAAA!
Guess what, doctors semua MARAH la kannnn... "Puan Hardiana...... pleaseeee don't make any unnecessary sounds... if you really REALLY feel painful, than baru you tell us" hahahaa... OPPSS! mummy sudah being nakal there... "okay2 doctor.." heheheee....
but this time... the operations does feel more painful than the first one... IT REALLY IS!.. i think maybe bcoz im still fresh so i can really feel the pain.... Masa delivery the first one dulu, i was reaaally weak at that time.. masa tuh dah sakit 12 hours contraction, then biler doctor see poor progression baru kami proceed to c-sec... sooo, masa tuh dah LEMAH and lembik gilorrss, mmg takde feeling2 sakit dh kt operation room... masa tuh pikir cepaaat laa abis sbb dh xlarat sgt.... huhuu..
So, this time.... biler baby Girl dah berjaya keluar, they show me my lil princess.. SOOOO BEAUTIFUL.... and I kiss her on the cheek... then off she goes to the nursery.... myself still in the operation room coz doctor need to 'unzip' my stomach... masa tu masyaALLAH..... sakit nyerrrrrr!!!!!!! seriously that one was reaaaaally PAINFUL! tak tipu2 dah ni.... me crying out loud "aduuuhhh sakit doctor""sakitttt".... doctor cakap, tahan sikit yer.. sekejap yer... sambil tu dia buat ape entah... hv no idea... huhuuuhu coz i cudnt see it kan.... anyway, after operations done, i am much relief...... Alhamdulillah semua selesai..
I was sent to my ward... and there was my Mama, my sister Hafiza and Encik Azmi... waiting for baby to come and breastfeed her for the first time... after few hours, baby sampai and we called her as Hana Arissa... the name is as beautiful as herself... hehe...
No words can describe the feeling of first time holding my baby, breastfeed her and kiss2 and hug2 her tenderly.... for 9 months i've carry her in my womb, and now finally she arrive safely in my arms.... i feel blessed... thank you Allah for the gift...

Now... HONESTLY.... the only mostly treasures i have in this world are these two person which are MUHAMMAD HAFIY and HANA ARISSA... which can never be replace with anything else, which will be the VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT person in my LIFE FOREVER...
Please remember my Son and Daughter..... your Mummy Hardiana Haris... LOVE you both very very much!
With love.. HH
p/s: I am currently fully breastfeeding my daughter Hana Arissa (3 months old), Alhamdulillah! and..... I consume Herbalife product during my confinement.. insyaAllah, my next entry post, i will share to you how Herbalife helps me to slim down, reshape my body and boost up my Milk production! BEST tau... :)
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